Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Classmates I am Thankful For.

I am thankful for my classmate Adam Flam, Alejandro Garcia, Andy Garcia, Juan Goodum, Kyle Yu, Quincy Hirt, Rivka Goetz and Sally Keller. Thank you Adam for bringing your ability to analyze everything Mr. McCarthy says and making it easier for me to understand. Quincy, thank you for adding an alternative perspective to the classroom discussions, and bringing a whole new idea about the topic. Kyle, thank you for helping Mr. McCarthy keep the class interesting and to keep me interested in the class. Juan, you have been blessed with the sneeze of a giant, no offense, and it keeps me alert in Mr. McCarthy's class, so thank you. Alejandro, thank you for adding your personality into the class, you give the class a new personality which I enjoy. Thank you Andy for your perspective of literature which helps take it to my understanding. Thank you Rivka for having a great understanding of literature to help me achieve a greater understanding of American Literature. Thank you Sally for bringing alternative ideas about the literature we are reading to give me an alternative point of view to see literature from. Finally, Thank you to the rest of Mr. McCarthy's first period English II class for being there so Mr. McCarthy has a class to teach. I am thankful for you all. Have a happy Thanksgiving, but you are probably reading this after Thanksgiving anyways. . .

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